Travels with Myself

A Journal of Discovery and Transition
Doug Jordan, Author

Thoughts on Writing/Publishing

24.2 A Thing Worth Doing

In this sense, the adage, ‘don’t let excellence be the enemy of the good’ applies. It may also be variant on the Nike slogan: if a thing is worth doing, do it.

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Thoughts on Writing/Publishing

23.23 Motivation and Passion 3

In my early days in recruiting (40-50 years ago!) I don’t think I ever encountered anybody who had a ‘passion’ for accounting, or glassblowing. ‘Passion’ seems to be a more recent phenomenon: people have a ‘passion’ for market research, or ‘people’. 


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Thoughts on Writing/Publishing

23.22 Motivation and Passion 2

When it comes to motivation, my blood curdles every time I hear the word, incentivize.
Motivation comes from within. No-one is actually motivated (incentivized?!) by some external force – moved maybe, but not motivated.

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